Amended Apr / Nov 2013
Two ways to upload images to our board
Method One - Using an image hosting service such as Imgur - there are others.
Imgur. Without having to register or give your details, upload an image to our forum - see this post
Method Two - Direct from your computer, restrictions apply due to storage space.
- This method is meant only for images directly relating to the three towns. They will appear as clickable 300px thumbnails expandable to a maximum of 800 pixels.
- Only three images per post are allowed using this method. If your image is over 800 pixels wide it will be rejected. But you can go to: and easily re-size your photo to suit. Consider using the smaller sizes if suitable.
- To upload an image, simply click on the Upload Attachment button under the post you are compiling and navigate to where you have the image on your computer. Consider testing it out first in our practice area in the members only area.
This post should be helpful.