Bob Auld poem

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Bob Auld poem

Post by Tommyp »

Very long shot but can anyone post a reply or send me a copy of the words to a Bob Auld ( Scott) poem that he wrote in his “ Wee book of Poems”
I am attending a retirement function for an old Saltcoats ex bus driver at the start of 2023.
It would be great to give him a copy or for me to read out the words at his function his family are holding for him.
I had a copy of both Bobs books but sadly I cannot now put my hands on them.
The poem refers to a bus journey he probably drove on and it was titled “The Laighdykes Corner Bus”
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Re: Bob Auld poem

Post by Hughie »

Hi Tommy,
Welcome to threetowners! Went looking for this poem by Bob and found that I had posted it from a borrowed book back in 2000 when our group was on Topica - before we moved to this bulletin Board software. This poem relates to the days of the Ardeer ICI Factory buses. Enjoy! :)


Ye strain and strive the lea lang day
Tho some believe your work is play
To get hame at nicht withoot any fuss
is maist impossible in the Saltcoats 'bus
Withoot exception you'll meet a moaner
In the 'bus that goes aroon the corner
There's yin or two I'd like to name
Others I'll ignore a ken it's a shame
But don't believe I'm daen you a favour
I could say mair if I was braver
So just read on but button your lip
I could write again, if I heard a quip
But that I assure you is not my aim
I'd rather hae peace till I get hame
But just in case you think I'm saft
Here's a wee sample, just in draft

The first yin to greet me painter Jock
Sittin, in a corner enjoying his smoke
He's sure to try and click ma heels
Then wi' a smile asks how I feel
Quick off their mark are Adam and Tam
As oot o' the gate they hurriedly scram
Thro' any flood they'd willingly paddle
Tae be up in time to sit side saddle
but honestly speakin, and it's no a hoax
Tams quite obliging if you need a boax
Thinking of Adam it rings a bell
if he's no happy he can please His 'ell.

"Is that so ", You'll hear big Tam quote
"Do you tell me that " is another of note
Hughoc just sits and nods his head
A non danger man in word and deed
Between you and me they're quite a pair
Somethings I hear would curl your hair
Quite often they talk a lot of tripe
But being a Stinstonian I never clype.

Next there is Jimmy who warms my sate
He's been making curious remarks of late
Not uncivil, but digs aboot my age
At the skill he helped me turn many a page
Years ago he was a plumber or welder
But I think of him noo as Jimmy the Elder
Across the passage its hard to miss Sanny
It's no that he's quiet, lets say he's canny
But before I say something unkind
His fire eating son has changed my mind
I'm afraid I'll have to watch my feet
Things like that made a man discreet.

Jimmy the jiner you never can, rile
He looked o'er last night and gave me a smile
Guid luck to you Jimmy you're a likeable chap
It's me that's the danger, so nae back chat
Another wee chap that captured my fancy
Is a hearty wee bloke they call Francie
He rumbles them up in that side sate
For the need of an inch he's never blate.

Guid nicht to you Bridie a smile and a nod
When she gets aff at the Auld Raise Road
As I touch my hat, the beam o' that smile
Lights up my road on that last weary mile
Then, there is Susie I almost forgot
I'd rather fight her than the wan I've got
Talking of fighting she might haud her ain
Her words are gie sharp her meaning is plain
Big genial John I could sometimes forget
Till an auld ticket belts the back o' ma neck
Guid nicht to you John, the 'laughs still on me
But if I turn roon, I micht loss an ee.

Last but not least, there's a couple of ripps
Alec and Tam have been reared on the chips
Tuesdays and Thursdays they aye hae a date
The way they laugh you'd think it was great
But time is a factor you ought never to waste
I lifetime of freedom has a much sweeter taste
But when the deil drives I suppose you must
Great is the effort tho the cause is unjust
Bravely battle on with your trouble and strife
But make your theme song " The wee Cooper o' Fife. "

Thank you boys for your kind attention
Don't be offended if you didn't get a mention
Some folk are quiet tho a few are gabbie
But strange to say I'm the only Rabbie
Folks are funny and think that an honour
Tho once or twice I've been nearly a goner
Your feeling reflect in some of your glances
I've made up my mind to take no more chances
My arms still sore from my vaccination
The next planes for me it's time for migration.

Added: About Bob Auld
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Re: Bob Auld poem

Post by Tommyp »

Superb and thank you.
I also had a lovely personal reply from a Gordon Maxwell working way out on the oil rigs off Canada.
That was very helpful, and I appreciate that very much.
I'm sure others of a certain age will perhaps enjoy one of Bob's gems and perhaps recognise who he refers to in the bus journey I took many times as a young Saltcoats boy
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