Signs of the past (5)

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Signs of the past (5)

Post by Archivist »

From: <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001

I seem to remember my dad telling me that during one of the air-raids (perhaps the bombing of Ardeer) a small shell fell on Hayocks Road, Stevenston, right in the middle of the road. I was v. young at the time he told me, so perhaps I fabricated the street name (this is where he and the rest of his family lived). If anyone knows about this story please let me know....

My mum used to tell me that at the start of the war when people were kitted out with gas-masks etc they would run special exercises or drills to check that people knew how to operate them. She used to live in Dockhead street (with the Loves) and she remembers people running down the street with the gas masks on. Seems like another world now.... She also remembers the air-raids (she was only 4+ or so) - she thought it was great fun to sit under the stairs with all her friends etc - a small childs view was that it was one great big party (and one suspect the adults around
them didn't tell them otherwise)!

cheers, Mike.

From: "Richard Maxwell" <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Mike, I cant recall the bomb on Hayocks, but I do remember your dad, not the type to tell stories unless it happened. however a land mine was parachuted down, less than a half mile from your house, landed on Ardeer Mains farm at the bottom of the broom brae, "to be exact" right in the middle of the trailer park that's there now, lucky for them, it was only a grazing field then. Wee Johnny Gallaher owned the Farm. My cousin who worked there, got the job of filling the hole, using a horse and cart, it took him one month. It was the biggest bang of the war. Almost got Ardeer Factory, There were four sons on that farm, one of who now owns the Montfode farm just above Ardrossan, with the petrol tanks we've been discussing for days now. Just from memory I estimate the hole depth at 20 feet wide and 10-12 feet deep ."could have got rid of a few wives there"-------Just kidding Sandra.

From: <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

I remember the bomb in the road it didnae explode I was a wee lass at the time I remember being taken by the hand and walked through the fields away from danger. I was afraid of the bombs they made a terrible sound when they fell. I didnae like being put under the stairs to this day I do not like small spaces. Ann

From: <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

My dad told me that during the war a bomb fell on Nelson road Saltcoats which was aimed at Ardeer factory - if he was right it must have landed near where the health centre is now - does anyone know any history of the nelson tower - the ruins of which were at the top of the steps in Auchenharvie - heading towards nelson road and Auchenharvie road - I used to play there as a wean - I am sure that I have seen a photo of it somewhere.

scott mccallum

From: <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Hi All,
Does anyone remember a plane crashing into Stanley farm many years ago I vaguely remember something but nobody else kens what I am talking about, did it happen during the war or was it after? I am enjoying the stories, they are great.
Liz Scott.

From: "Richard Maxwell" <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Hi Liz,
I love yer accent, yi hiv a gran memory, I believe the plane you are talking about is the same one that came down in the Monach Dam big plane, bomber I believe, German. The general consensus at that time was 50% shot down. 50% down with engine problems, I don't know, might have picked the water hoping for a soft landing, went in nose first I don't think anyone survived. D.M.

To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Hi Liz,
I remember talk about that plane. Can't say if it's true but I do recall a few people saying during a drought in the very early 1950s that part of the plane could be seen above the water line - Mill Dam I think was mentioned. Well I would have thought such a thing would have been photographed and placed in the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald which everyone read - so we'd have known for sure. So, 'a hay ma doots'.

During that drought I can remember posters being placed inside all the closes in Glasgow Street Ardrossan asking folks to conserve water. A drought in Scotland. Honest.

Hugh McCallum

From: <>
To: <threetowners@>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Hi all,
Someone mentioned a possible plane crash at Stanley farm? This struck a strange chord with me because when I attended Stanley primary school which stands on the spot where the farm was, we ( the girls whose toilet block was downstairs ) were always a bit on edge to go there alone and I remember some hysterical girl coming out of the toilets helped by a teacher saying she had heard a man panicking and shouting something in the toilets when she was in there. There was also always a strange smell in the assembly hall as if someone had always just finished varnishing the floor. Who knows eh !

From: Jimmy Laughlan Salt > USA
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001

Yes, Liz I remember that plane, it was a Junkers 88 I think, we young-uns tried to play in it, but the sentry would always chase us away. I don't think it was very safe, but we didn't think about those things as weans.
Jimmy Laughlan

Signs of the past 6