Hughie Brown - by Bob Auld

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Hughie Brown - by Bob Auld

Post by Hughie »

When time is short and days are long
Thochts flee back and furrit
When twenty years are but a spang
Everything seems less hurrit.
Soon ye're left wae nocht but dreams
Tae wile away the time .
When spring has lost its magic gleams
Then age is an awfu crime

But Hughie son haud up her heid
Wae yer fine honest ee
There never was wan in word or deed
Mair fit tae staun the gree
Praise a ken ye wid try tae shun
Wae yer every ready wit.
So Let's compromise was jist 'Well done'
Ye aye din yer bit

I've seen ye often staun aside
As lesser lights shone forth
Ye knew ye merely had tae bide
For time is proof 0 worth
Ye were always aboot unseen, unsung
In yer many helpful ways
Ye set an example, for auld and young
Wae yer steady careful displays

An odd job man among the wains
Wae yer Golden ee award
Fond of the fishing when it rains
like work 'twas never hard
The gairden tae is a place of joy
Tae this wee Mauchline chiel
Fond of a joke or a mischievous ploy
Yet keeps an even keel

So jist leave the sighing to the wind
The struggle is almost o'er
The treasured days you sought to find
Are almost at your door.
Keep the spirit of your useful life
It always stood the test
And tae you Hughie and your guidwife
I’ll simply say "Aw the best"
Penny Tray
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Re: Hughie Brown - by Bob Auld

Post by Penny Tray »


I liked that and yet again wish I knew the subject, Hughie Brown.
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.
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